Upon delivery, your employees will have access to a compliant and fluid tool based on a unique and efficient technological core.

Software integration is an important step in the development of your IT solution. It consists of combining different software and modules to create a complete and functional IT system.

In other words, it allows you to bring together separate functionalities to create a coherent final product for users.

For this, software integration always involves many tests. On the one hand, this allows you to verify that the different parts of the system are working correctly. On the other hand, it allows you to verify that they interact in a coherent manner. It can therefore include, for example, performance, security, user interface tests and other types of tests.

Integration of custom applications to your existing business systems:

  • ERP / CRM propriétaires

  • Webservice SOAP/REST

  • SAP R/3

  • Lotus Notes

  • Outlook

  • iCalendar

  • JSON

  • Google

  • RSS

  • SalesForce

  • MQTT


  • XML